ś Jolly Agri - Flat Strips

Flat Strips

Cotton Waste

Shankar 6 Cotton

Flat Strips

Flat Strips Cotton Waste is a By-product Also Known as 100% Cotton as it Derived from Ring Spun Mills with 30 to 60 Counts. Cotton Flat is a By Product of the Yarn Spinning Industry Produced in the First Carding Machine.

This Fiber is Usually Longer and Has Higher Trash Compared to Comber Noil.it is Mostly Used in OE Spinning for Blending with Good Quality Cotton. Suitable for 16s to 20s Counts in Open-end Spinning. We Can Supply Quality Flat Strips Cotton Waste Up to 700mt Per Month.

Flat Strips Grade AFlat Strips Grade B
Length25-26 mm24mm +